Event Name
Integrated vs. Integrative Psychology
TBA - through SDPA
Grand Opening: Quest Holistic Center
Frogs Fitness in Mission Valley 901 Hotel Circle South, San Diego, California, 92108 (619) 683-2220 (760) 458-5041 Wednesday March 21, 2007 9:00 AM-8:00 PM
Gabrielle Traub, HON - CIP
Green Hall, San Diego campus. march 16th from 6-8pm
Annual Integrative Psychology research fair
Green Hall, April 13th from 6:30-8:00
Ansoffian Meeting
San Diego
Lessons from TurnAround Schools
Chicago, IL/Indian Wells, CA/Scottsdale, AZ/Portland, AZ
Outreach events at UC Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz County
Therapist Self-Care Conference in Italy
A villa outside of Florence, Italy
Alumni Reception with Visiting Professor in Fresno
Fresno Campus Auditorium
Colloquium with All new University Professor, Ian
Green Hall. Scripps Ranch Campus. San Diego