Career Services offers the following to Employers:
Info Tables Employers may reserve an information table to distribute information or speak with students directly here on campus.
Employer Information Sessions Employers interested in conducting an information sessions on-campus may request them by calling Career Services (858) 635-4565.
Free Job and Internship Posting You may post part-time and full-time jobs, as well as internships using Alliant Connect's Career & Volunteer Center.
Academic writing assistance You may find great examples of case study papers just surfing here.
On-Campus Recruiting
This program facilitates the recruiting process for those organizations interested in recruiting for full-time/part-time positions and interns from our campus. Participation in this program will allow you to: post positions using our alliantconnect job database, receive resumes from interested students, invite students to interview, and interview-on campus.
If you are interested in participating in On-Campus Recruiting (OCR) please contact Career Services at (858) 635-4565.
Career Fairs
Our fairs provide an inexpensive and effective way to gain greater visibility on-campus while at the same time connecting with a number of qualified, potential candidates.